Friday, October 9, 2009


What you did to get us, you need to do to keep us. Keep a weekly youtube post that gets emailed to the base. It\'s not a presidential address in the conventional sense of the word. For the Y Generation and many of us old folks the notion of what constitutes presidential behavior is changing rapidly with you serving as the main catalyst. Give us genuine direct talk over words tested with pollsters any day. A direct candid discussion about a given topic once a week that is not read off a teleprompter is priceless for the continual sense of a direct relationship. Just flick open your laptop in the oval office or in your study at night and talk to us. Have a small panel of trusted advisers review it, and if no serious red flags are raised post it and email it to us. I also know that the value of genuine conversation from a man of your insight will way overshadow the shortcomings offered in the prose. You will probably say things you will regret, but the damage done will be dwarfed by having a continued sense of personal relationship with the citizens. In this way they will be there when you need them.
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engage the audience via the email platform and ask people for their opinions - not just their money. Have a weekly poll question that is linked to social media (twitter, facebook), creating a viral engagement engine. When striving for engagement as a goal one needs to not only consider the policy objectives, but understand that engagement is not only a means to an end but an end in itself. idea
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that was it thanks
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